The Brady Bunch

The Brady Bunch
Meet the Brady Bunch: Shruthi, Erin, Maddie, Jay

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day 7: Arrival in Hyderabad

August 8, 2014

Brady's First Day on the Job 

After Erin, Jay, Maddie, and Aditya arrived in Hyderabad they soon said goodbye to Jay so he could attend his graduation ceremony at ITT Mumbai. 


Shruthi came in just an hour later to join the group! So glad she didn't miss out on much! 

Our first day on the Medtronic project was a major struggle. All three of us were quite tired and jet-lagged. So we quickly had breakfast and short naps before our initial team meeting at 12.30pm. 

We were finally able to gather our whole Medtronic team together (minus Jay) for our kick-off meeting. Naresh (our project coordinator in India and close assistant to Dr. Narsiman) , Dr. Yazdi, Aditya, Val (Medtronic Engineer) , Anant (CBID alumni/current Clinvue representative), Erin, Maddie, and Shruthi discussed project goals, target areas, and itineraries for the 3-week trip. 

We started the day by walking to Care Hospital (our main clinical center for this trip) and met with Dr. Sridevi, a senior cardiologist. We interviewed her for about an hour where she answered various questions about the cardiology pathway, pace-making, and the Indian healthcare structure. Her insights were very interesting and she clearly, was a established and caring physician. During the interview we also had a short talk with Subrat, a Medtronic-India technological rep. We set up a meeting with him for next week to talk in detail about his role.

The Aarogyasri scheme in Andhra Pradesh is a governmental insurance scheme that reimburses patients below the poverty line for medical emergencies and treatments. We were lucky enough to be able to talk to an Aarogyasri "Mithra" (friend/representative) who informed us about the procedures for signing up for the scheme and the procedures the patients had to go to when they came to the hospital (Thanks Shruthi for that idea). The Mithra only spoke in Hindi so Shruthi and Anant spoke and translated for Maddie and Erin throughout the conversation. We thought this was a valuable interview to better understand the insurance scheme and the difficulties poor patients have to endure to receive proper treatments.

After our talk with the Mithra we left for the Care Out-Patient Clinic. At the clinic the whole group was able to observe EKGs, Echos, and stress/treadmill tests. We interviewed cardiologists and patients within the various rooms that we got to visit and were able to get some additional information about how diagnostic tests are run in the outpatient center. The main take away message from this visit was the differences between the roles of the cardiologists and EPs.

At around 5:30pm, exhausted from our very long first day, we left the outpatient center and headed to dinner at Bikeranwala a chat place in Hyderabad. We had a delicious meal topped off with even more delicious butterscotch ice cream. Unfortunately, our jet-lag kicked in so we went to sleep early and prepared to power-up for the next day!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Jay ! So glad you happen to be in the neighborhood and could attend your graduation ! :)
